[熱茶攝影 X 白色婚禮手工婚紗 X Catchq]

you are every reason, every hope,
and every dream I’ve ever had,
and no matter what happens to us in the future,
everyday we are together is the greatest day of my life.
I will always be yours.
— Internet.
不是超熱 而是超強夕陽啊!!!!  XDDDDD
(拍完就這樣了 沒有多餘修圖啊 XD)
攝影: 熱茶攝影 Tim Chen
燈光師: 超愛用髮挎的 嚴崇文
整體造型 : 傅瑜 ArielFu Studio / 造型藝術 / Daisy Lan
禮服: White wedding 白色婚禮 手工婚紗
團隊 : CatchQ Http://catchq.com
Flickr 高畫質: https://flic.kr/p/VkDEUT