[婚紗攝影 x 白色婚禮 x 熱茶攝影]
[Prewedding x White Wedding x Hoti Photography]

其實拍攝的時候, 大笑聲真的沒有停下來過!
好喜歡這種拍照的份圍~~~ :DDDD

心裡想著一定要拍到陽光!!! 讓他們帶著笑容回家~
所以絞盡腦汁讓太陽出來了五分鐘!!!! ha

The day is full of laughter and joyful,
John is so funny, Ann is so elegant and pretty!
and I really enjoyed shooting their love toward each other!! 😀
It’s been raining all day while shooting,
but John and Ann decide not to postponed the shooting
so we shoot in the rain!!
Luckily, the sun came out at last for 5 mins
so that’s how we get this nice picture 😀

攝影: 熱茶攝影 Tim Chen
燈光: 看鋼管看到掉手機的 嚴崇文
整體造型 : 隨時補眠的 Misa Zhang / 臨時換老闆的 Lynn Lin
禮服 : White wedding 白色婚禮 手工婚紗
高畫質: https://flic.kr/p/X1uA8h
IG: 歡迎追蹤: https://www.instagram.com/toku8c

CatchQ 官網: http://catchq.com/
歡迎預約: https://imhoti.tw/預約-hoti/